Happy Halloween 2023!
For this year's Halloween festivities - Halloween being a particularly favorite holiday if there ever was one - 32-Bit Cafe has organized an awesome event for everyone who has been, is currently, or wants to enjoy and partake in a little part of this re-emerging indie/small/etc web movement and Halloween!
The Lava Lounge is beyond humbled to have been asked to partner with them for this years event, being the little Lava Lamp pixel club that could.

Create a Halloween themed webpage, craft any number of pixel art pieces to join a diverse and growing number of pixel art clubs, put together a sppoky playlist, and more!
Head on over the 32-Bit Cafe page dedicated to this years festivities for all the information and details and to get involved!
The Lave Lounge looks forward to seeing all of your funky spooky Lava Lamps as part of the festivities!
All the Lamps for the 32-Bit Cafe Halloween 2023 event are on shelves in the Lounge to check them out!